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Annual Installation Dinner

The NCWBA Annual Installation Dinner 

June 12, 2014

The Carltun

Keynote Speaker
Hon. A. Gail Prudenti, Chief Administrative Judge, 
NYS Unified Court System

Installation of Officers 2014-2015 

PresidentL: Cheryl L. Bartow
President Elect: Simone M. Freeman
Vice President Membership:Maureen McLoughlin
Vice President Programs: Linda M. Oliva
Treasurer: Elaine Mary Colavito
Recording Secretary: Kimberly Mosscrop
Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Williams

Board of Directors

Andrea M. Brodie
Rhonda Maco
Dorothy Oehler Nese
Lisa R. Schoenfeld

Laura Davidov
Jessica Satriano
Faith Rousseau
Nina Petraro


Hon. Diane Dwyer* 
Linda Kelly Mejias* 
Linda B. Zuech* 
Hon. Helen Voutsinas* 
Kathleen Wright*
Tammy Smiley

Alternate Delegates
Hon. Andrea Phoenix**
Roberta Fox*
Afsheen Shah
Maria Schwartz

*Past President NCWBA
**Past President NCWBA & WBASNY
Award Recipients

Bessie Ray Geffner Award: Laura Davidov, Esq.

Virginia C. Duncombe Scholarship Award: Maureen McLoughlin, Esq.

Rona Seider, Esq. Award: Hon. Claire Weinberg

Invitations to follow by Mail or Click here for an RSVP Card

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